1. Break time munch 2 & 3. walking around cumbernauld 4. News reporter gets into the olympic spirit! 5. Brave and pizza hut with my sister 6. Badminton 7. WINE TIME 8. Exam results 9. gifts for exam results 10. Topshop order 11. joining asos...finally
Well hello, don't you just love sundays? Spending the day in bed, eating my body weight in crap and watching endless US tv makes sunday my favourite day of the week! Over the last two weeks I've had a day out with my younger sister, kelsey, to see the new pixar film, Brave. It is actually amazing, I would recommend it to everyone. Despite being 7 years older I think I was more amazed at it than my sister! I've been on a few walks around the nice nature reserve beside my house (as much as we say cumbernauld is ugly, it is actually pretty beautiful!) I love walking, like literally, I walk EVERYWHERE. When I found out there was a walking olympic event I packed my bags for Rio 2016! Everywhere I look there seems to be Olympic fever and as much as I wasn't looking forward to it, it's been pretty exciting! Seeing sports that normally don't get the time of day in this country, on the tv has been great and it's given some brilliant role models to the younger ones. Oh, I also got my exam results in last week. I got two C's which i'm actually pretty happy with to be honest but I am determined that when I start college I have to actually get my head down and put the effort in! I've been shopping till I drop recently so i'll try do a wee post about what I've bought over the next couple weeks.
What's been your favourite Olympic sport? How do you spend your sundays?
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